Friday, August 18, 2006


Current System Configuration: In, but not of this world
Canta per Me by Yuki Kajiura (from the anime Noir)
[Breakfast] Chicken nuggets, kesong puti and garlic rice
[Lunch] Footlong hotdog with coleslaw
[Dinner] Tokyo Tokyo's Beef Misono Big Plate. Veggies + yakisoba + potato balls. Also some California Maki on the side.
[Coffee] Homebrew coffee and a grande mocha frappuccino with valencia syrup. Double blended, as usual.
Current Read:
-None right now. Halfway through Inkheart, but had to stop due to grades being due

I am not of this time.
The people sitting in the coffee shop around me do not realize that my forebears had never even tasted the rich, dark, nerve-boosting drink that they sip in such a carefree manner. They titter endlessly, unmindful of the carnage that other men like me once had to wade through. I wield my pen as a sword, furiously slashing grades into the papers stacked before me.

canta per me ne addio
quel dolce suono
de' passati giorni
mi sempre rammenta
A young woman, dressed in pristine white, reaches around her lover. Like her, he is immaculately-clad. They embrace and whisper intimate things. Something pierces my chest, a burning arrow. There is no lady who prays for my safe return. There is no delicate glove in my helmet. The white of my cloak has been caked in the mire of the battlefield, in the black blood of eviscerated lusts.
la vita dell'amore
dilette del cor mio
o felice, tu anima mia
canta addagio...
The Master takes the arrow in His hand and breaks it. The splinters pierce His palm, and His blood flows as he pulls the barb out. His blood mingles with mine as He bandages my wound with a scrap from His own robe. He straps my breastplate back on and presses into my hand the Sword of His Spirit.
tempra la cetra e canta
il inno di morte
a noi si schiude il ciel
volano al raggio
I clench my teeth as the lady's legs shift. Turning my eyes away, I tighten my grip on the weapon. The Sword of the Spirit--Light and balanced, keen and adamantine. It calls out to me. I heed. I lower my visor once more and charge back into the fray, a battlehymn rising in my heart. Another lust falls, its vile entrails splattering at my feet. The heel of my boot comes down, crushing its skull.
la vita dell'amore
dilette del cor mio
o felice, tu anima mia
canta addio...
I fight on, for I am not of this world. This age may claim my body, but my soul sings for the Ages of Power--Ages long past, Ages that shall return.


Your Black Lion
(Italian lyrics from Canta Per Me by Yuki Kajiura)


Eruanne said...

aww... *hug* don't worry, sir, you fit in right here. *gestures to hug* your students love you for who you are... :D

take care! god bless!

Anonymous said...

Heh. I miss our Starbucks sessions. We really should get together again soon.