BGM: "Cry for the Earth" by JAM Project. Somber and angsty, which is atypical for JAM Project songs. JAM Project usually sounds like Queen or Aerosmith, but in this particular song they sound like Linkin Park. Lyrics:
Breakfast: Merced Bakehouse's raisin bread + hot chocolate
Lunch: It's 8:02 in the morning, so none yet.
DInner: Ditto
Just finished computing my grades the other night (well, they're not completely finished; I still have to transmute them). Treated myself to a game of Virtual On: Oratorio Tangram (Wow, I finished the game with one token! A considerable feat, since I suck at the game.) at the local arcade and a Chicago deep dish pizza at Sbarro. Also played GunZ last night, finally got to Level 36. The Minic revolvers I purchased for myself weren't much better than the pair of Phantom Cruise Ns that I'd been using for a while---I guess I really have to wait till Lv 50 to get a good firepower boost. Oh well.
Now you might be wondering why my BGM is an angsty tune when I've been experiencing quite an amount of success in the past 24 hours. It's because of an article that my mother pointed out in today's paper--"Babies--bought--sold and traded" by James B. Reuter, S.J. My stand is still that being created in God's image, man---including embryos---should not be slaughtered on whim as if they were problems (as in the case of abortion) or cultured and destroyed like bacteria in a petri dish to come up with a cure for cancer (stem cell research.)
The article talked about how "unborn children are treated like consumer products." Apparently, baby parts are being sold in Kharkov, Ukraine. The parts were said to have been taken from "fetuses aborted at an early stage of life." The thing is, Kharkov's maternity wards have been missing some newborn babies as of late. According to Ukrainian law, "babies born before 27 weeks or weighing less than 1 kg/2.2 lbs are automatically considered abortions."
The article went on to say that "Ukrainian women were being paid to sell their fetuses to clinics. The tissues are then used for beauty treatments that are supposed to rejuvenate the skin and cure diseases." Another scientist, Ian Wilnut, says that human embryonic stem cells should be used in order to save animals from being used in tests.
When I saw this I was just disgusted. I have nothing against scientific breakthroughs, but somehow it seems that people are going back to being pagan. (Of course one can argue that society at large never really truly let go of paganism.) This is not a dig at any contemporary religion, but more of an expression of just how bad we can get.
Children were once sacrificed to "gods" to appease them for the sake of guaranteeing fertility, health or protection of their livestock. Children being sacrificed to the "god" called Sha-Iyyense (figure that out) for the sake of beauty treatments, the cure for cancer or for the protection of animals from use in experiments sounds creepily similar.
I believe that there is just no situation in which abortion is justified except for times when both the mother and child are in danger and it boils down to choosing which one survives.. If you don't want children (especially if you are a teenage girl who's still in school), then don't have sex! Procreation is after all, one of the major reasons why we have such organs built into our fearfully and wonderfully made bodies. A woman may have a right to her own body, but so does an unborn child.
Children being aborted as if they were a disease is bad enough---it's not like it's their fault that they were conceived. Sacrificing children for some obscure "good thing," however is just abominable. What's even more disturbing is that I'm pretty sure that people won't stop there. As a race we are good at one thing: coming up with new ways of being evil.
憎しみが REFRAIN あふれている
押し寄せる DESPAIR 耐えられない
why would a teenage girl have sex?!
Various reasons. Boyfriend pressure? Need to feel loved? Keep in mind that the way girls see sex is very different from the way guys see it.
Additionally, that's common.
Sir, how do you think about my blog (you kind of referred me to this blog site).
I would say, peer pressure.
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